Travels in Thailand

Bangkok is THE most interesting city on the planet. Perhaps not the cleanest or prettiest, but definitely the most interesting. Also, as far as food is concerned, very affordable.  Yesterday I ate for two dollars (the fish ball group) and today it was 1 dollar (35 baht).
I really liked the food I ate today - chicken and rice with a very strangely fried egg on top. But it was delicious. 

Food fail blog


Thai food can be delicious, but had a bit of a failure today.  I went to lunch with some of my work mates and they suggested I try a dish that could only be found in this restaurant. I innocently agreed.
 It was a kind of fish soup with a lot of fishy things in it. Fish Ball Soup I think it's called. Some of it was not bad and some kinda was. There were some brown things floating in it and I thought there were mushrooms. Ben warned me that it was actually liver. Oh well.

First Pictures


Bangkok is a very intense city. It feels more like a universe than a city to me.
Tuk and her team gave me a welcome ceremony. Then they took me to a Thai restaurant - not sure what I ate but it was delicious.
 Here I am in Bangkok, my suite is vey nice, I flew over Siberia today - it is a vast white wasteland. Stopped in Tokyo, then on to Bangkok - no problems.

Since it was dark when I get in I will give you my first impressions tomorrow.

He's in Chicago!


Jim just called to say he arrived safely in Chicago after a bumpy flight. His next flight, Chicago to Narita, Japan leaves at 12:48 p.m. KB

You can track Jim's flight using Flightstats (click the TRACK button, it should show you UA 881). Unfortunately, it can't track the flight all the way to Japan. KB

He's in the air!


Up at 5:10 a.m., arrived at KCI 6:25 a.m. According to United, Jim's flight departed at 8:08 (about 22 minutes late) and is enroute to Chicago. KB
My wife is to planning and packing for a trip what Genghis Khan was to planning the destruction of the Roman empire. She is efficient, tough, and brutal. Needless to say I do not fare well in comparison. But I am almost completely packed and ready to go.
The total trip will be 28 hours - ouch! Kansas City to Chicago, Chicago to Tokyo, and then Tokyo to Bangkok. The Chicago leg will be 13 hours and then the  Tokyo leg another 8 hours. I may need to be carried off the plane when I arrive in Bangkok.

But, I guess great adventures are not always comfortable.
United 6403
7:46 AM Kansas City – 9:10 AM Chicago
United 881
12:48 PM Chicago – 11:45 PM Bangkok

Miles traveled: 8,948
Well, hard to believe, only 5 days before I begin my journey to Bangkok. Wouldn't you know it, I will be arriving when the country is essentially under martial law. But, I have my passport, visa, and plane ticket - so I am ready to go!