Travels in Thailand

I took a motorcycle taxi to make the 5:00 PM ex-pat beer call at Coyotes. The taxi ride was both extremely convenient and exhilarating at the same time. Traffic jams are not  normally a hindrance to a Thai motorcycle driver. If the traffic is at a standstill the driver has lots of options - you can go between lanes, weave around cars and buses, or simply use the sidewalk. We were rarely more than 1 foot from a car or bus or pedestrian, and sometimes my knees actually brushed a vehicle.

After beer call I decided to go get a massage - the decision is easier after four beers. The massage was a therapeutic one and was of the full pressure, deep tissue variety. I won't say I was in pain for sixty minutes - maybe only 40 minutes. However, I do feel more relaxed.


Video from Discover Thailand -
5/21/2010 04:51:13 am

Wow, you've got to admire a man who can find both beer and a massage while living under a state of emergency!

5/21/2010 09:45:30 am

In my defense - it is my way of coping with the stress.

5/22/2010 01:06:16 pm

Thanks for the blog posts...very interesting, but I hope things turn stable and routine soon.

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