Travels in Thailand

Songkran is a 3 day festival that occurs every year in April. It is the start of the Thai New Year. Historically, water would be sprinkled on someone as a blessing. But the holiday has evolved a bit.
You can expect to get wet in Bangkok during the festival. If you go to Khao San Road (which I did yesterday) prepare to get soaked. I was shot with water pistols, hoses, buckets of water were dumped on my head - sometimes it was warm other times ice cold. Also, they rub a wet talc powder on your face.
It was crazy fun.
I did not take my camera to keep it from getting wet but here are some pictures I downloaded off the net. They will give you a pretty good idea of what goes on.
Unfortunately, I did not see the elephant. 

Wanda Coleman
4/14/2010 01:22:06 am

Good think I missed that. My relaxer is not fond of water sports. Can't get my hair wet.

4/14/2010 01:39:38 am

You really are having a grand time, aren't you?

Keep on enjoying!!!! But come home soon

I Love you

4/14/2010 02:38:39 am

Don't you mean 'fortunately' you didn't see the elephant? Little CW joke, but still valid considering recent events.

4/14/2010 06:10:10 am

Man!! You are having the experience of a lifetime!! Soak it in and every now and then stop for a while, capture the moment in your mind so that you can recall it later. Witnessing History, seeing the sights and getting Oriental massages on the company. It don't get no better that that. Enjoy. Mike

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