Travels in Thailand

Officially, the Thai use the old Buddhist era calendar which contains 543 more years than the standard western calendar with a mere 2010. Their calendars typically show both years to mesh more with the rest of the world. I did not realize this until I got here, but so far it has not caused me any problems.
5/1/2010 09:19:25 am

OK, it was a slow news week for you, I'm guessing. Tell us about the beach! Or the state of emergency! Or Soi Cowboy!

5/2/2010 07:22:33 am

By all means I want to hear about the beach...any pics?? Kathryn and I went to the opera Friday....Don Giovanni, but the first act left me with "numb buns" from sitting so long and it was so hot for the second act, it was difficult to stay awake.

5/5/2010 08:30:24 am

How about Tiawan. Henry is there. Probably too far

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